September 15, 2015 Tejaswini Narayanan / Vrindavan

Tejaswini Narayanan
Dancer, Team Vrindavan
No one could know all the efforts that went into the making of the beautiful VRINDAVAN, better than I do. I was standing there, watching everything. Every song that was composed and set to melodious music, every dance that was aptly choreographed, every glitch that was fixed seamlessly, and every drop of sweat from the cast, crew, dancers and singers, which translated into this impeccable window to 90 minutes of transport to VRINDAVAN – I saw it all.
It took some time for me to know everyone in the play, each one with their own unique identity that stood out, yet gelled so well into the play in its entirety. Each day passed by, and like most teams that work together, we all got closer – to the point where they hugged me, ran around me, hid behind me when in trouble, and also danced with me; this made me feel at home – feel at VRINDAVAN! I seemed to get more and more beautiful as each day passed, in their company – the most exciting part being when I was decorated!
When I see the actors perform, I can’t help but feel a part of it – I am right there when the widows of VRINDAVAN dance in their little world, go crazy when they are told that the once most coveted actress Beena Kumari was visiting them (not knowing what is in store), when everyone’s past unfolds, and when the present also has not a lot to offer more than tears. I feel helpless when I see them go through these emotions. In complete contrast are the colorful dancers when they light up the stage with their moves and expressions, and dance to the beautifully worded songs, set to mellifluous music.
Sujit Saraf’s imagination that translated into this masterpiece is beyond words, and I thank him for making me a part of this timeless creation. I am also very indebted to the team that worked on me and my friends. Come to VRINDAVAN – I’m standing tall right there, painted and decorated. I am the pillar behind the life of VRINDAVAN, literally, overseeing the Yamuna, and the life in Vrindavan, while also being an integral part of it. Join us in the 90 minute journey to VRINDAVAN, where you can forget the past and experience a different present – a world where reality blends seamlessly into one of lush colors, music, dance and poetry. I live in VRINDAVAN; I am VRINDAVAN.
More details about VRINDAVAN show info and tickets can be found here.